CBD Effects on Blood Pressure

CBD Effects on Blood Pressure

CBD is purported to produce a whole host of benefits to overall wellness. Some of these claims are rooted in reality and even supported by scientific research. 

Before you integrate CBD into your daily wellness routine, make sure you have a clear and accurate understanding of what you can expect from CBD. 

While CBD may be a suitable addition to your wellness routine, it’s crucial to remember that it isn’t a proper substitute for necessary prescription medication or proper medical care. 

Common Factors That Affect Blood Pressure

Blood pressure is responsive. Your blood pressure will directly correlate with whatever your body is enduring. Some underlying health conditions can have a negative impact on blood pressure. Other factors are at least partially under your control. 

  • Stress, both emotional and physical
  • Use of alcohol or tobacco products
  • Lack of exercise
  • Excess body weight
  • A high sodium diet 
  • Kidney or thyroid disease
  • A genetic predisposition to high blood pressure
  • Sleep apnea or pulmonary illness

Working to reduce physical and emotional stress is a key component to maintaining healthy blood pressure. Talk therapy and creative outlets can be beneficial to reducing tension. In some cases, switching careers or prioritizing positive personal and professional relationships can have a positive impact.

Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water, limited added salt, and incorporating more movement into your daily routine can help your body to function optimally. If you’re carrying excess weight, it will resolve itself with common sense practices to nourish your body properly and move more. 

If you use alcohol excessively or use tobacco, it’s best to stop. You may need to speak with your doctor about appropriate cessation methods. 

The Way Blood Pressure Affects the Heart

Blood pressure will sometimes elevate temporarily. This isn’t always a cause for concern. Fleeting emotional triggers or a salt heavy meal can elevate blood pressure for a short while. It will return to normal within hours. High blood pressure only becomes a problem when it’s chronic or consistent. 

When cholesterol builds up within the arteries, it congests them. Less blood is allowed to travel through, and the heart has to work harder to overcompensate. 

As the cholesterol in the arteries hardens into plaque, the arteries lose their natural flexibility and elasticity. This places an additional burden on the heart. 

When this plaque dislodges, it can block a vital artery. When the arterial wall cannot withstand the pressure, it may falter and create a large bubble called an aneurysm. Both of these conditions can be fatal.

The heart works hard. It may thicken as a result of strain and overuse. Its workload eventually becomes too much for the inadequate amount of oxygen it's receiving, which can ultimately lead to a heart attack or another potentially fatal cardiac event. 

What is CBD?

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid found in cannabis plants, including hemp. CBD is very similar to the endogenous cannabinoids produced by the human body. The body produces these cannabinoids to support the endocannabinoid system, a network of cannabinoid receptors that exist within many of the body’s vital systems.

People use CBD to help promote homeostasis and overall wellness. The working theory is that the body can use CBD as fuel for the endocannabinoid system, giving it a little boost in its ability to fortify the body’s natural processes. 

How Does CBD Affect the Heart?

CBD does not directly affect the heart. It affects other processes that may affect the heart. CBD is often used to minimize the emotional and physical tension associated with stress. Stress can cause the heart rate to elevate, potentially raising blood pressure. 

When CBD works to mitigate some of these factors, the heart may be less impacted by stress-related physiological stimuli. One study found that just a single dose of CBD was effective at reducing blood pressure that was heightened by stress response. 

It would be misleading to state that CBD lowers blood pressure, as its effects are minimal and only relevant in highly specific situations. The study draws an open ended conclusion encouraging further research of CBD for cardiovascular health, but in the meantime, it’s best not to assume that CBD can be used to treat cardiovascular ailments like high blood pressure.

CBD is not a suitable replacement for or supplement to medications specifically designed for blood pressure management. It doesn’t undo the impact of lifestyle choices or risk factors that can contribute to heart disease. 

CBD shouldn’t be considered a heart health supplement, but an overall wellness support supplement that should be used in conjunction with adequate exercise, balanced nutrition, sufficient hydration, and an appropriate amount of sleep. It’s one small part of a larger lifelong commitment to a return to health.

Before You Use CBD, Here’s What You Should Know

CBD can safely be used to support the body’s natural processes and relieve emotional and physical tension. Before you use it, here’s what you need to know about the way it works. 

CBD for Mood

Sublingual CBD oil is often used to promote a calm mood, reducing emotional tension or feelings of nervousness. CBD has been studied as a temporary aid for symptoms of stress and tension. Although it isn’t medically recognized for this purpose, many people find that it provides satisfactory relaxation benefits.

CBD for Sleep

The same study that researched CBD’s effect on mood also researched CBD’s effects on sleep. The majority of participants reported experiencing higher quality sleep when using CBD. 

While CBD doesn’t make you tired or cause drowsiness, it does promote relaxation. It’s easier to fall asleep when you’re relaxed, and some people find that this benefit is enough to support meaningful sleep. 

CBD To Temporarily Soothe Pain

Many athletes use CBD to promote recovery. People with inflammatory conditions or achy joints will use CBD to promote relief. There are many different types of pain, and they each require specific attention to temporarily promote relief. 

Topical pain relief products like Hempvana Arthritis Pain Relief Gel come in handy for temporarily soothing pain. Take your CBD daily, but use Hempvana Arthritis Pain Relief Gel when you experience breakthrough symptoms. 

Our formula contains menthol, which quickly works to temporarily relieve the sensation of pain by activating the cold receptors in the skin. This cooling wave of relief overpowers and outlasts the sensation of pain, taking the edge off and making it easier to tend to the tasks of your day.

A Final Note on CBD

CBD isn’t enough to manage high blood pressure, although it can be used for stress response. It may help reduce stress and promote better sleep, but it’s best to combine it with positive lifestyle changes. 

Pair CBD with something like Hempvana’s topical pain relief products for temporary relief. 



A single dose of cannabidiol reduces blood pressure in healthy volunteers in a randomized crossover study | National Institutes of Health

Cannabidiol in Anxiety and Sleep: A Large Case Series

Cannabidiol (CBD): a killer for inflammatory rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts | Cell Death & Disease

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